Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Year Update

Hello everyone... I know, I'm the total blog slacker. I have plenty to update you on, which I will... as soon as I can get the pictures uploaded, so here is a brief update to let you know what is going on over here in Listerland...

Christmas was fabulous. It was a chaotic and relaxing occasion (if you can have both at the same time). Santa visited and spoiled the boys, and then we spoiled them a little more with Guitar Hero World Tour, which has really been a family favorite.

Since the New Year, we have all gone back to school... yes all of us! I'm in my last class for my Master's program and anxiously plugging along. Robert quit his job at RC Willey after nine and a half years with the company and decided to go back to school! It was quite a decision, but we are very proud of him. He is majoring in History and Secondary Education (ok, so I'm not exactly what the major is titled at UVU, but that is ultimately what he will do with it in the long run).
He seems to be handling the change well, but is not quite sure what to do with all of the time when he's not studying or in the classroom. He's looking for something part-time while he's in school, but we're not in a major hurry. The boys weren't excited to go back after their two week vacation, but they are managing.

Nathan, of course, turned nine, and Jacob turned twelve--big birthday here! We had a bunch of the family come into town, and he was ordained on his birthday! I'm such a proud momma, I can't hardly stand it!!

Since then, we're just plugging along... very busy as usual! Mondays both boys have basketball practice, Tuesdays Nate has piano lessons, Wednesdays Jake has basketball practice and Young Men's, and Thursdays Nate has Scouts and basketball practice (see not busy at all!) oh, and we can't forget two basketball games each Saturday (of course, Robert is Jake's coach--and I'm "assistant coach" if you can really give me that label). With church on Sunday, papers to write, research to complete, papers to grade, etc. we have lots of free time... doncha think?