Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Year Update

Hello everyone... I know, I'm the total blog slacker. I have plenty to update you on, which I will... as soon as I can get the pictures uploaded, so here is a brief update to let you know what is going on over here in Listerland...

Christmas was fabulous. It was a chaotic and relaxing occasion (if you can have both at the same time). Santa visited and spoiled the boys, and then we spoiled them a little more with Guitar Hero World Tour, which has really been a family favorite.

Since the New Year, we have all gone back to school... yes all of us! I'm in my last class for my Master's program and anxiously plugging along. Robert quit his job at RC Willey after nine and a half years with the company and decided to go back to school! It was quite a decision, but we are very proud of him. He is majoring in History and Secondary Education (ok, so I'm not exactly what the major is titled at UVU, but that is ultimately what he will do with it in the long run).
He seems to be handling the change well, but is not quite sure what to do with all of the time when he's not studying or in the classroom. He's looking for something part-time while he's in school, but we're not in a major hurry. The boys weren't excited to go back after their two week vacation, but they are managing.

Nathan, of course, turned nine, and Jacob turned twelve--big birthday here! We had a bunch of the family come into town, and he was ordained on his birthday! I'm such a proud momma, I can't hardly stand it!!

Since then, we're just plugging along... very busy as usual! Mondays both boys have basketball practice, Tuesdays Nate has piano lessons, Wednesdays Jake has basketball practice and Young Men's, and Thursdays Nate has Scouts and basketball practice (see not busy at all!) oh, and we can't forget two basketball games each Saturday (of course, Robert is Jake's coach--and I'm "assistant coach" if you can really give me that label). With church on Sunday, papers to write, research to complete, papers to grade, etc. we have lots of free time... doncha think?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tagged Again

I was tagged by my friend Katy awhile ago, but have been sick and busy, so it took me some time to get to it (sorry, Katy!). This one is going to be a little difficult for me because I have to share seven weird facts about myself. Now, we all know that I am the most normal person in the world..... so I really have to dig deep for this one. Ok, here goes....
1. I found out during a recent trip to Disneyland that I actually have to clean up the room before the cleaning staff can come in and clean.... that's totally normal, right?
2. I'm freezing cold in a 73 degree air conditioned house and prefer to sit under a blanket, with cushy socks on my feet, along with that, I was totally comfortable in 93 degree weather ~ barely sweating, with no problems standing directly in the sun while everyone else in our party was dying and wishing they were home in their 70 degree air conditioned homes ~ perhaps I was a lizard in a previous life and am totally at home in the desert on a sun-baked rock!
3. Whenever I eat something sweet, I need to balance it with something satly (I'm right with you here, Katy) which is why I prefer peanut M&Ms as my candy choice.
4. If I can make it to midnight, I immediately turn into a person that cannot quit giggling.... and then I can't breathe and have to make sure the air makes it into my lungs by fanning my hands in front of my face, as if to shove it in there... it works, I promise. Unfortunately, I think the only people that truly appreciate it would have to be my family, as it brings back memories.
5. (I'm running out here).... I'm obsessed with Disney.... I always wanted to be a voice for a Disney character, I buy all of the animated classics even though my boys no longer watch them, and I continually dress up as Disney villains for Halloween.
6. I cannot vacuum my house without moving the furniture.
7. I almost cannot function without my watch. I have two clocks in my classroom, but if I don't have my watch on, I feel naked.
Ok, there you have it. I'm sure that my family could tell you more, but it truly is hard for me to think of the quirky things about me... Now I'm supposed to tag seven people~but I'm only going to be able to do six, so here goes (sorry, there are only so many of you that pay attention) ;-) Tammy, Christy, Steph, Anne, Jenna, and Mariah. Have fun!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tagged by Tammy

My lovely sister tagged me from her blog (who was tagged by my lovely sister-in-law). I guess I'm supposed to go into my picture files, go to the fourth file and choose the fourth picture and tell about it. There's not a lot of selection, since the desktop crashed, so here goes:

This was taken in March of this year when we went with several members of my family to Disneyland. This one was in the California Adventure in front of the sun/waterfall. Obviously, I'm really the only one that is "into" the picture thing... Jake is staring at something much cooler than the camera, and Nate is giving the most "I'm so tired of this picture thing" smile possible. By the way--can you tell that I'm a natural red-head... those white legs... I can't tan to save my life!!

So, now I'm supposed to tag three people... this is a little difficult, considering the same thing Tammy mentioned on her blog--I'm not nearly as popular as Anne ;-) Because of the people Tammy and Anne have already tagged (Christy and Steph) my options are limited, so I guess I'll try Katy and Jenna, and I think it'll just have to stop there...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Football Frenzy

Jake is currently just over half way through his first season playing tackle football. He was initially trying to get onto the Oak Canyon team, but there weren't enough sixth grade kids to make a team, so he was assigned to the Canyon View Falcons. He plays on both the kick off and receiving teams, and he also plays defense.

The coach likes to have the names on the jerseys, so there he is, #75. Jake has had a lot of fun playing. It's been tough and tiring at times, but he's doing well. He's met some kids that will be at Oak Canyon with him next year, so that's good as well. At least he'll know a couple of people when he gets to the Junior High environment. This is Jake with his friend, Calvin, right before the game started.

That's my boy, on defense, trying to keep his guy away from the ball. Way to go, Jake!!

Finally, this was after the kick off team had just kicked the ball, and Jake was going after the receiver. They got him down right before Jake got there, but he stayed with them the whole time!

So far, it's been an interesting season. They've lost most of their games, but went from scoring nothing in the first game, to two touchdowns in the second game. The third game was Jake's favorite--he played against a couple of kids from his school--one in his own class. His teacher came to watch, along with a good portion of his class. They won that game 32-13. He loved it. This last game, we put up a good fight. The other team was undefeated--and their kids had some really hard hits (they could probably hold their own against a high school team) think six of our kids got hurt enough to sit out for a little while at least! Anyway, we lost by two touchdowns, but we scored two--which was pretty impressive against this team!

This picture is actually one of my favorites--it's really hard to spot Jake because he's doing what he's supposed to: getting right into the thick of it and keeping his man in line, even when he's got two guys pushing on him!! Gotta love it! The last two games are in Heber--this week and next week--Can you believe I'm driving to Heber for sixth grade football? Oh, well--it's totally been worth it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Update and Request

As you can tell by the lack of posting lately, things are really crazy ~ good, but crazy. School is in full swing and keeping all of us busy. Jacob is playing tackle football for the first time and loving it! It keeps him very busy, but also is a huge motivator to get his homework done earlier (why didn't we think of this before?) Nathan is bummed that he can't play yet, but we've told him that he can't play until he starts eating (he's too picky for his own good, and will often choose to go hungry instead of eating). Hopefully this will be a good motivator for next year ~ he actually ate three bites of a cheeseburger the other day, and liked it! What kid doesn't eat cheeseburgers?!?

We went to Boise over the weekend, but I forgot my camera! We had a great, if busy time. I got to attend the memorial for a favorite Boise State professor of mine who recently died in a fire. It was a great service, and there were great stories about Mary Ellen from her friends. I was so glad that I was able to attend.

We got to be there for part of my neice, Tabitha's birthday party. She was born after we moved to Utah, so this was a first. Grandma had me make her a necklace an bracelet and I was so worried that they wouldn't fit because she's so tiny, but they were perfect! It was fun to see everybody there.

After that, we got to have a BBQ with my family--well, all those that were still in Boise, although Tammy and Mandy were greatly missed! It was great to be able to catch up. There was lots of talking and laughing and the kids had a great time playing with their cousins.

On Sunday, we went to the Davis' house for lunch and to church for Suzanne's blessing. She is so cute and tiny. We love hanging out with the Davis family. They are such great people! Jeff and Robert have been best friends since high school, and that friendship has expanded to include myself, Jeff's wife, Sara, and our children. We love to be able to see Grant and the girls as well. Paige and Lauren are so fun and have grown so much! They are fun to be around and play with. Grant is their first born, and was born very premature and has some disabilities because of those circumstances, but he is one of my favorite people in the whole world! His spirit touches me every time I see his smile and listen to him laugh. I don't know anyone that reminds me more of the love Heavenly Father has for his children. He is absolutely amazing. I know that he holds a special place with Heavenly Father and I am a better person because I know him.

After the blessing, we headed for home. It was a fun trip, but we were very tired after cramming so much stuff into a day and a half.

Ok, so on to the request part of this post. Our desktop computer crashed at the beginning of the school year. This has not been a great burden, since we have the laptop, and now I have my laptop from school as well. Yesterday, however, I was thinking that I wanted to change the background and screensaver on my school laptop to some pictures of the family and such. At this point I realized how many pictures I lost because of the computer crash, and I almost panicked! I have a number of them on cd, but so many of them were from my digital camera and stored on the computer!! We've tried to get back in to the hard drive in order to save any data from it, but it is completely fried. So, if any of you have any pictures of my family--mainly the boys, I would so appreciate it if you could send them to me. I still have a lot on my laptop, but there were some great pictures stored on the other computer.

I've decided that from this point on, I am going to back up all of my pictures on a jump drive, so that this won't happen again. I love all of the technology that we have, but it is easy to forget that it is not always stable and that it can be lost. It makes me appreciate the negatives and hard copies of the pictures I have.

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone. I'm trying to set a goal to update at least once a week, but please be patient with me ~ it is easy for me to get lost in life and forget that things are actually going on.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Out of the Pool, or Lake, or Whatever!

Ok, the point has been made! Although, sometimes treading water is the best that one can do. So, to appease my loving fans, I will come out of the pool, or lake or whatever it was that I was swimming in. As far as I am aware, nothing dire has happened, no need for the swim diaper, sharks and, so far, no cryptosporidium (I'll let you know if that changes). But thanks for the suggestions. . .

I'm leaving momentarily to be a hot momma on the back of my boyfriend's motorcycle. More to come tomorrow.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just Keep Swimming!

Things have been crazy lately, and it feels like it's been forever since I have been able to post! We've moved--or at least have mostly moved. There are still some things at the other place and I have to get it cleaned, but things are definitely happening. The internet finally got hooked up yesterday, after sitting around for hours waiting for the guy to get here, wondering if he was actually coming, having Robert call and discover that they had decided not to send anyone out! Long story short, they were here within an hour of Robert's phone call and the internet is finally up and running.

I have been absolutely exhausted. Tammy came over on Monday to help me unpack my kitchen (which is the only room that is complete, and it's a beautiful thing) and Tuesday to help me paint the boys' rooms (well, prime them anyway, the color will get up before too long). I've been emptying boxes, bringing stuff from the other house, and cleaning from morning until night and hit the bed totally exhausted!

The good news, on the other hand, is that we are now in a house that is about 2 miles away from my school and 3 miles away from Robert's work. It is a 5 bedroom house that has a living room and a family room, with a big back yard for Cooper (it's kind of dead, but it's big!). While it is an older home, and there are several projects we are going to complete (back yard being a big priority), it is nice to be in a place where I have room for everything.

I'll get some pictures posted as soon as I get a chance to take some (probably when things are more like they should be and less boxed up). I'll also get my take on the Police concert posted--I just have to have a minute to breathe and catch up on my Master's class since I haven't had internet for a bit. Dory's line from Finding Nemo has been running consistently through my mind--Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!! I'll get there eventually!