Robert and John took the boys to a movie ~ a bit of a boys night out. My plan was to get some more reading done, catch up on some sleep, but I got side tracked. So, I've been sitting here for a little over an hour, looking through pictures so that I could add to the layout of the blog. I've gone through so many different sets of pictures and all I can think of is how much I love my boys!

They are the most amazing guys that I know. They make me crazy, test my patience, make me laugh, cry, throw my hands in the air and just completely fill my life. Tammy and I were talking just yesterday about how quickly they are growing up! She couldn't believe that Jake is going to be 12 in January (I cringe just thinking about it, but am also so excited I can't even stand it). Tonight, going back and looking at pictures is a huge reminder to me at how quickly they've grown. I am so proud of both of them. They are smart and caring and, even though they are growing up, still stop every once in a while ~ without my even asking for it ~ and give me a hug. I guess I just needed to share.

Now I need to go crack a joke before I start crying.
I'm crying just reading it. Your boys are so sweet. Shea was on my lap last time I looked at your blog and he hollered out those are my friends Jacob & Nathan. We love those cute boys!!!
Love you and miss you tons!!
(I love the new blog, ny the way!)
We love your boys too, and miss them! As rough and tumble as they may seem, they both have a soft heart and are so gentle and loving with Sarah. I'm sure she loves all the male attention she gets from them! (I know in the past she has whispered to me that she has a crush on her cousin Jacob!)
I feel the same way about our kids growing up so fast: excited for them to be experiencing new things but sad that they don't need me as much and I can't pull them up on my lap and kiss their troubles away.
I love being a mom. I can't think of anything else more fulfilling.
I love those pictures of you and your boys. You are such a good mom, even when you think you are. I don't know if you remember when we were sitting on the porch discussing how we didn't quite live up to the "Utah County" image... That's ok.. We put our own spin on the title of motherhood, just like our mom did. You are the best! And your boys are turning out to be great guys too! Love Ya! Tamalam
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