This was taken in March of this year when we went with several members of my family to Disneyland. This one was in the California Adventure in front of the sun/waterfall. Obviously, I'm really the only one that is "into" the picture thing... Jake is staring at something much cooler than the camera, and Nate is giving the most "I'm so tired of this picture thing" smile possible. By the way--can you tell that I'm a natural red-head... those white legs... I can't tan to save my life!!
So, now I'm supposed to tag three people... this is a little difficult, considering the same thing Tammy mentioned on her blog--I'm not nearly as popular as Anne ;-) Because of the people Tammy and Anne have already tagged (Christy and Steph) my options are limited, so I guess I'll try Katy and Jenna, and I think it'll just have to stop there...
Cute picture, Lisa! I just love Disney. And the weather looks pretty nice in that picture, too. What a great day that must have been!
I'm not 100% sure you meant me, but I am going to assume you did and go look at my picture files....
Lisa, you are one hot mamma, even with the white legs, ooh, la, la!
What is scary is that I think you are tanner than me!
By the way, I tag you back (with a different tag! Go to my blog for rules and do it if you want to! :-)
WHAT??? I got tagged?? How did that happen and me not know it?? I guess I am missing some comments or something?? You'll have to let me in on how this works. luvnmissu, Stephik
The answer lies with Tammy's blog...
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